Friday, November 27, 2009


Its been a while since I last wrote anything. I know, I've said it countless times. But, I was hoping that my comeback will not be like this.

Today my car park got stolen right in front of my nose by a black saga- with a family of 5-6,7? i dont know- anyways, there were the man, the woman, the grandpa grandma and small kids. I cant remember. The man outright stole my car park while i was reversing just so I can park my car in.

He on the other hand, conveniently ease himself to that parking space. Hows that for Malaysian Hospitality? I honk once- (there's no reason to scare the small kids you see.. ) but when he did not reverse out, i knew this is one selfish man who did this low life act intentionally.

Iwaited because i wanted to see the rat who stole my parking space face to face. They did not come down immediately. Reason? I had no idea- I am only a young lady in the car by herself. Was it guilt? I had no idea. But after a while I guess his pea brain realized that he cant wait in there forever. They came down. The whole battalion of them. That man - that very man had the cheek to stare at me. With a look that is so ignorant, so arrogant the compulsive side of me had the urge to come down and demand that he be a man and reverse his car out- to give back what is rightfully mine.

I did not. I drove off- feeling so helpless, upset and dissappointed all at the same time. If he would have just waive a hand to ask if he can park or I dont know, just anything to show that he had the courtesy- i would have given him anyway. Common- there were kids and elderly. What do you expect anyone would do? Definately give way. But i just cannot accept the fact that he thought he can take what is not his and walk away feeling like a champion.

In many ways, I am so affected by this I cant even see where is this coming from. Should i have better control of my temper? I dont think this is the problem. The problem is how come we as Malaysians can act this way? I know its unfair to generalize all just because of the action of one. To be fair, there are Malaysians who are courteous on the roads as well, so maybe there is still hope after all?

To you- the family of the black saga with an Ipoh car plate 4812- I look down on you. You as the driver for making that decision. And your family for not advising against it. I still wish you have a nice Raya tho.