Wednesday, August 15, 2007

mr .sun taking a break..

its 11.25 now.. class at 12.
but the sky is getting darker by the minute here in sg.long..
the winds are like howling (no joke).. the clouds as daRK as charcoal & heavy as godzilla.. (okok abit exxagerating).. but the thing is..under these circumstances.. should i attend my class?
hmm.. altho my uni is just acrosss my condo... but.. raining wo...cold blowing wind.. not to mention there are a few coconut trees .. wut happens if suddenly the wind blow too hard and 1 co-co-nut drop n hit my head!!?? aih.. find excuses u may, but u stil have to go cuz ur classmates' notes are with u! doink! =.=""

dragging her feet away...


mjacjac said...

ya, mr. sun is really taking a break, he told me last week.

Haha.. university life is like that, u should be more understand than me, im your junior, JAc.

Happy Days ! =)

Kent 阿健 said...

Hey, Mr Sun has been taking break in my case for quite some time.
Appreciate the opportunity u have now to go to Uni.. You may start to take a good look at things in Uni.. Since u gonna leave us soon.. lolx..
Dun ponteng so often ler! lolx

hazel said...

i love ur cute...i oso got blog..i ady add u lo...yea~~!!!