Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Life as it is.

Life is not always filled with roses. Life isnt always good. But.. it is worth living.

It is never truly understood until you have been through it. To understand it, people look backwards. Flashback of memories running through your mind. But to live it, there is only one way. Forward.

More often than not, people say that they are unhappy .. but reality is.. happiness is by choice.
Not given, but by choice.

Reality is what it is it is. Not quite a place to be, but there is no escape.

I have a friend. Who has not been at her best lately. But she just want people to know that after the initial depression feeling days... acceptance sunk in. That life, no matter how we try to close our grip of control towards it.. is futile. We may be a perfectionist, but once reality sinks in.. all the perfection and beautiful control.. it is just crap. Just live the life you deserve.

People say you only live once. But I say if you live it well enough, once is more than enough.

I painted a picture perfect painting with a well put frame. But my hand shook, and the brush fell off my hand. The perfect canvas is tainted. But, it is still a good picture. As, I can always pick up the brush and paint me another painting.

Life is never easy. No one says it is.

But what matters most is that at the end of the day, after all the crap that we have to put up with.. we remain still standing.

I never regret of the past. It painted one of the most beautiful days of my life. But like all things that are good, it comes to an end. Cherish and remember the memories. Do justice to all those good times that was well spent.. and move on...

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