Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ebiko sushi please, soya, chilli powder and wasabi on the side please..

Politics makes me sick. Really, it does. I mean how bad can it be, you must be thinking.. well.. you need not look further.. you can witness it right at homeland baby..
Sit down, and watch as the ugly gets uglier.. everything unfolding right before your eyes..

Power struggles are so nasty. Its even more frustrating when the so called defeated one couldn’t except the fact that the worse had happened, so shaddap and work on filling the bloody huge ass hole that’s left behind your backyard now. Literally. But the one that was caught off guard with a pleasant surprise aren’t quite ready to step up to the plate. By that I simply mean that they wasn’t expecting it, and thus, wasn’t prepared for it. At least, I feel that way. If only they could all sit down over a cup of coffee and talk. Feel like slapping me to tell that its not even near possible? Haha… But no harm in hoping right..?

I really wish one day will come when Homeland is really mature enough, and the people governing it will see it through that if they sincerely want unity amongst all, stop bringing up the “differences issue” every single time something is brought up. I believe that normal citizens like me and you, would like to very much see that happen.

Well, as Homeland is going through so much changes and drama, it aint fair if its citizen is not right…? A few major and minor changes happened since I wrote my previous post.
The biggest change was.. yours truly just bought her first ever car!!! Hahahhaa… *shake shake* Well, the car is not here yet.. so you guys can still drive safely on the road for approximately 3 weeks more.. I hope I wont have to wait longer than that. You know la salesman.. they can promise you the moon before you buy the car, and once you did… he’ll be telling you ‘wut moon o? yao meh?? Fatt MOONg yao la!

So, there goes, the biggest purchase I have made thus far. : )

Other minor minor changes all, I guess need not I mention here.. simply cuz I need to mop my room now, so I just don’t have the time.. and I doubt it if you care. : P

Till then… Ciaoz.


Eddie Lim said...

I couldn't argue more about your statement on politic in our country....worsen day by day...Just hope they can settle down fast...anyway...nice blog and drive safely with ur car...(i mean after 3 weeks)

Kent 阿健 said...

I think the opposition controlled states are now all settle with the newly appointed MB for PERAK. Surprisingly Lim Kit Siang were also present at the ceremony. Joo, when you are driving on the road, beware of black myvi in PJ area... not so soon though.. approximately 2 weeks plus from now... lolx..